Kirkwood Human Rights Commission Hosts Speaker Event Elevating Transgender Voices and Stories
Kirkwood Human Rights Commission Hosts Speaker Event Elevating Transgender Voices and Stories
November 8, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM CST
Event Description:
On Wednesday, November 8th at 7:00pm, the Kirkwood Human Rights Commission will host its annual Human Rights Speaker Event at the Kirkwood Performing Arts Center. This year's event will feature a diverse panel of speakers who will share stories and perspectives on issues impacting Missouri's transgender community. Confirmed speakers include: ? Representative(s) from SQSH, the St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline ? Representative(s) from THISTL, the Trans Housing Initiative STL ? Lisa Brennan, local author of "The Auditorium in My Mind: Treasuring My Transgender Child" These speakers will deliver and answer questions on their advocacy work, personal experiences, and efforts to promote equity, justice, and support for transgender individuals in Missouri. The event aims to foster open dialogue and bring awareness to ongoing discrimination and targeted attacks faced by the LGBTQ+ community locally and statewide. In addition to the featured speakers, the event will host information tables from various local human rights groups prior to the presentations. Attendance is free and open to all, but reservations are encouraged via The Human Rights Commission is thrilled to showcase such knowledgeable, passionate speakers to share diverse stories and perspectives on the trans and gender-expansive experience. The event promises meaningful dialogue and chances for our community to grow in understanding and compassion. The Commission hopes the event will illuminate realities and challenges facing Kirkwood's LGBTQ+ residents while also inspiring community members to get involved with local advocacy groups. Promoting understanding and respect is central to our mission. We hope this event can move our community toward greater inclusion and equality. The Kirkwood Human Rights Commission advises the City Council on matters of discrimination and champions initiatives promoting diversity, equity, and human rights. Learn more at: